Avian Care | Bird Care & Supplements | Farm & Country

Avian Care

Frequently Asked Questions

To take care of poultry/chickens, it is important to provide them with a clean and secure coop, access to fresh water and food, regular health check-ups, and protection from predators and extreme weather conditions.

The most common health problems for poultry include respiratory diseases, digestive disorders, parasitic infections, and injuries from pecking or fighting, among others.

As a general rule, chickens need at least 2 to 3 square feet of space per bird inside the coop, and 8 to 10 square feet per bird in an outdoor run. However, providing more space than the minimum requirements can lead to happier, healthier chickens.

It's important to also consider the number of chickens you have and the size of your coop and run when determining the appropriate amount of space for your birds.