Horse Stable Essentials | Cleaning & Disinfectants | Farm & Country

Stable & Yard

Frequently Asked Questions

Keeping your stables in good order is important for the health and well-being of your horses, as well as your own safety. Here are some of our top tips to help you stay on top of your stables:

  1. Establish a routine that includes tasks like mucking out the stables, feeding and watering your horses, checking for injuries and grooming. 
  2. Maintain cleanliness to prevent the spread of any diseases and parasites that could harm your horse. 
  3. Organise your tools and equipment for grooming, feeding and cleaning, and keep them accessible.

The frequency at which you should clean your horse stables depends on multiple factors such as how many horses you have, their size and their living habits. It is recommended to clean horse stables daily to reduce any health problems and any build-up of waste.

Keeping your yard safe is important as it means you are keeping your horse safe. By using secure fencing and proper lighting in your yard you can keep your horse secure and away from any potential danger. Regularly checking for any hazards is also a great idea.