Nutrition Supplements | Nutrition & Supplements | Farm & Country

Nutrition & Supplements

Frequently Asked Questions

Your horse may require supplements for a whole host of different reasons to help with optimal health and well-being. Here are some reasons why your horse may need supplements:

  1. Insufficient diet - horses that may not have access to high-quality grazing may not be getting all the nutrients that they need. Supplements will help to fill any nutritional gaps and ensure your horse is receiving all the essential vitamins. 
  2. Competitions - horses that are in heavy training for competitions may have increased nutrient requirements. Supplements can help provide additional support where needed to help with muscle development, joint health and overall performance.
  3. Medical Conditions - some medical conditions such as ulcers, laminitis or allergies may require certain supplements to manage symptoms and support overall health. 

Supplements can play a massive role when it comes to improving your horse’s coat and skin. There are a wide variety of different nutritional supplements that can help, including Omega-3 to promote healthy skin and coat, reducing skin irritation, itching and inflammation. 

Omega-3, Biotin, Vitamin E and Zinc can also help to improve skin and coat health, strengthen hooves and to promote skin elasticity and wound healing.

If your horse is struggling with digestion there are supplements like probiotics and prebiotics that can help to improve the health of the digestive tract. They can both help improve nutrient absorption and improve overall gut health.