Horse Rugs | Under Rugs & Liners | Farm & Country


Frequently Asked Questions

The type of rug you should put on your horse depends on a number of factors, including the climate, weather conditions, and your horse's individual needs. Here are some general guidelines to help you choose the right rug:

Turnout Rug: If you plan to turn your horse out in wet or cold weather, a turnout rug is an ideal choice. These rugs are typically waterproof and insulated and are designed to keep your horse warm and dry in the elements. 

Stable Rug: If you plan to keep your horse in a stall or barn, a stable rug can provide added warmth and comfort.

Fly Rug: If you live in an area with lots of flies or other insects, a fly rug can help to protect your horse. These rugs are typically made of a lightweight, breathable material that allows air to flow freely while keeping insects at bay. 

Cooler Rug: A cooler rug is designed to help your horse cool down after exercise or work.

Horses may need rugs for a variety of reasons, depending on their individual needs and the climate and weather conditions they are living in. Here are some common reasons why horses may need a rug. 

  • Protection from all weather conditions
  • Comfort
  • Health Reasons
  • Transport 

Whether or not your horse needs a rug in all seasons depends on a variety of factors, including the climate, weather conditions, and your horse's individual needs. Here are some general guidelines to help you determine if your horse needs a rug in different seasons:

Spring and Fall: In mild climates, horses may not need a rug during the spring and fall. However, if the weather is rainy or chilly, a lightweight waterproof or turnout rug can help to keep your horse warm and dry.

Summer: In warmer climates, horses may not need a rug during the summer. However, if your horse is sensitive to insects or the sun, a lightweight fly rug or sheet can help to protect them. 

Winter: In colder climates, horses will likely need a rug during the winter months. A heavy-weight turnout or stable rug can help to keep your horse warm and dry in the cold, wet weather.